Based on its founder own experience and in cooperation with paediatric medical team and families of hospitalized new borns, Calinescence offers secured concepts.
These are developed to boost the babies emotionnal reassurance and particularely aimed at preterm infants and babies needing medical support.
The development of devices enabling hospitalized infants and babies well-being, for example when parents can’t be present, is backed up by medical studies, parents experiences, and the Neonatalogy and Paediatric skills.
A first scientific project, especially for preterm infants, in collaboration with the Port-Royal Neonatalogy department (Paris) is established.
Calinescence develops solutions for infants and babies because we think we can improve their well-being during hospitalization.
Rebuilding a friendly and protective environment
Our team is developing a device enabling babies to feel their parent through their senses
for example by hearing their mother’s voice when they are awake.

Calinescence est une start-up incubée à Metz, à l'Incubateur d'Excellence du Grand Est, La Piscine (Sémia).
Il porte également le label French Tech East.
Soutiens / sponsors du projet:
Keeping in Touch
Ensuring the parents/children link is vital for the development especially for hospitalized babies.
All babies including those in hospital should benefit from comforting atmosphere even when parents can’t be present.
The caregivers should have extra alternatives to comfort babies during stressful or tiring moments.

Improving the emotional comfort of hospitalized infants and babies.
Maintaining the parents/children link even when the parents are off the hospital.
Easing this situation for parents especially at the evening separation moment.
Allowing children from multiple pregnancy to feel their mother each at the same time, and to parents to offer their children their multiplied support, both at the hospital and at home.
Strengthening the parents/caregivers relationship for the well-being of children during hospitalization.
« For almost 20 years, I have worked within medica teams to care about premature infants, born sometimes after only 6 months of pregnancy.
Alongside with technical progress, one of the current improvment axes is undoudtedly the one given to the hospitalized baby environment :
Limit stess
Favour personalizd cares
And give parents more space.
However, despite some adaptations the extanded hospitalization of these babies is linked to a deep alteration of the mother/child bond developed during the fœtal life.
A lot of scientific facts show the importance of this bond meanly the continuity of the exposure to the voice for babies development.
When the Calinescence project was presented I immediately understood the interest we had to collaborate in order to achieve this solution : develop a personalized object with a multi-sensory interface offering the chance to maintain the parents/baby bond within the hospital environment.
The solution focuses on the importance of maintening the mother/baby bond throughthe collecting and the restitution of both the voice and quiet heart. »
« A project coming straight from the heart, that bring the babies and theirs mothers/parents closer.
A project shared with the medical professionals allowing them to help the babies they take care about in an improved way.
A project that reconciles advanced technology with the knowledge of newborns and specially preterms infants psychology.
A project rooted in a beautiful dynamic that should be carried on and completed.
The CEA is proud to contribute to be part of this project with the other partners involved. »
Un petit cœur pour aider les prématurés et leurs parents - lire l’article du Républicain Lorrain
“A Metz, j’ai ressenti la possibilité d’oser” - lire l’article du Metz magazine
“Un coeur comme trait d’union “ Business Initiatives - lire l’article de Metz Femmes, Mars 2020
Une startup messine s’intéresse à l’éveil sensoriel des prématurés - lire l’article de La Tribune
Le projet ? On vous l’explique
Grand E-nov - En complément des soins, des études scientifiques montrent que le lien affectif parent/enfant est primordial pour les bébés hospitalisés en particulier pour ...
Empreintes audios d'Aurore Saintigny, Calinescence - Tiers-lieux 26 novembre 2019 - Ecouter le podcast
Interview France Bleue pour la journée mondiale de l’enfance 21 novembre 2019 - Ecouter le podcast